All workshops and presentations are customized for the groups dynamic. The program run from 45 mins to 2 hour based on the interaction active choose by the event host. Each workshop comes with workbooks and/or take away material for continuous motivation and self development.

Book Workshop

A better day:
when suicide is not an options
This workshop is focused on the person who is focused on everyone. They have lost themselves in their world have it is taking a toll on them. They do not want to die they just want to feel better about who they are and get through days in a more positive away then the thoughts they normally have of sadness and doubt of self.

How to change you life by being who you are
People who still have a dream but their everyday life is getting in the way (in their mind) to achieving their goals. We work through the everyday baby steps to achieve those big dreams that aren’t as far away as they may appear with the right plan and thought pattern that will help you lead your own path to success.

Everyday Superheros
This is a children’s self-awareness workshop for any student school age. This workshop focuses on children knowing who they are and being proud of their abilities that make them unique and help them stand out so that they can do good deeds and service in this world.

Finding me in my life
Mothers who have lost themselves in the world of their family, they tend to want what others want and do what others do. They forgetting that they are a person in need to. Women fall in to a pleasing cycle where they forget their favorite thing to do and the things that made them happy. They forget to build on a life outside of marriage, children and normality. This workshop focus on taking time out and getting back to the things that make them feel great as a person not just the stuff that makes them great as a mom.